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Personalised Candles perfect for gifts whether you are the other half, daughter/son, grandchild, we have the perfect Mother's Day Gift here for you.


All candles come with a Satin Ribbon


Arrives in a Ready to be gifted/handed packaging and includes a free greeting card


Candle size - 7cm


Available in 3 scents: Vanilla, Cheries & Berries


Available Quotes:

***Please note: If you would like your own message, please choose the Personalised Candle Text Option, otherwise, please choose one from below***


  • I am a loving woman, because I was raised by a lovely one. Happy mother’s day.
  • I am a strong human because a strong woman raised me. Happy mother’s day.
  • Couldn’t have done it without you. Happy mother’s day.
  • A mother gives you life. A mother-in-law gives you her life. Happy mother’s day.
  • To the queen of our home, and the queen of my heart, Happy Mother's Day.
  • Do whatever it is that makes you feel bright & sunny inside! Happy Mother's Day to a Friend Who Shines.
  • Grateful for what you are and all that you do. Happy Mother's Day!


Mother's Day Candle with Satin Ribbon

£4.99 Regular Price
£3.99Sale Price
VAT Included
  • How it will be packed: 

    Scented candles in Gift bags will be wrapped in a protective layer and are then stored in the box to ensure their safe and intact arrival at the destination. 

    We can send this directly to the recipient. Just make sure you indicate this on the Shipping Address.

    For our policies, head over to the Store Policies on our Homepage.

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In today’s online shopping market, we believe that honesty is the best policy. That’s why we designed the most generous, fair, and transparent policies for our customers. Learn more below and reach out with questions.

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London, UK



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